For most of us,
Easter is a deeply significant day and season,
as we remember the depth and gravity
of what transpired in the death, burial,
and resurrection of our Savior.

But for many people outside of that understanding,
Easter is an awkward combination of seemingly random
cultural elements that don’t seem to fit:
Easter bunny, chocolate, eggs…
and a guy who comes back to life?
It’s just weird.

While most of the world has a
religious understanding of Easter,
it is largely more of a religious obligation
than an epic tale of a mind-blowing act of sacrificial love
in which Jesus proved just how badly the Godhead wanted to have us near Him,
with Him.

Thus, the reason we are launching
an external ad campaign to pique the curiosity
of people in our community
as a simple step into this narrative.

As we promote the greatest love story ever told,
our hope is that it may even
lead someone new to engage with us,
whether at Easter, or somewhere down the road.

If nothing else, it stands to expose them
to a different narrative than they might expect
or be accustomed to.