Find Peace


Coming into the presence of the Lord, resting in His promises, receiving His Grace, and singing His praises reminds us that He is a rock and a fortress, and in Him we cannot be moved.


Why Are We So Anxious?

What To Do When Fear Has A Hold On You

His Peace In Your Storm

Suggested Reading

3 Ways To Keep Anxiety From Taking Control Of Your Life

by Dr. John Townsend

Everyone feels anxious every now and again. Anxiety is just a fact of life and a perfectly normal emotion. Unfortunately, though, certain life events can lead us to feel a little more than just normal anxiety. These events might include your children getting married and starting families, the death of a loved one, job loss or transition.

Gospel Of Peace

by Dr. James B. Richard

God, in His great love for man, judged the sin of the world in Jesus. Because His wrath and righteous judgment have already taken place, man in now free to enter into a peaceful relationship with a holy God. God wants you to live in a harmonious relationship with Him and a harmonious relationship with people. This can only happen when you have peace!

He Loves Me!

by Wayne Jacobsen

Do you find yourself picking through circumstances like children plucking daisy petals attempting to figure out whether or not God loves you? If you find yourself least certain of his love in those critical moments when you most need to trust him, there is hope for you!


What Is Good Christian Therapy?

What is good Christian therapy? If you’ve ever wondered, you’re not alone—many people have wanted to know.

Counselor Considerations

We seek to help a person who is struggling by providing trusted sources in response to the problems they are facing.

Relational Care Intake Form

At the end of this assessment, schedule an appointment using the link provided on the last screen.

Saturday - 5p
Sunday - 9a & 11a