I knew God was calling me to do something greater than I could ever imagine, but I longed for that understanding and direction. I’ve always had a hard time branching out and doing things by myself, and this was the weekend God changed my life. My roommates were out of town and Mobile Ministry was happening that weekend. I took a leap of faith and went knowing no one. Little did I know, Mobile Ministry would change my relationship with the Lord and provide me the confidence I needed to strive to serve others. I have never felt so connected to the Lord. Getting the opportunity to share the gospel and help people meet their physical needs gave me a better sense of understanding; that we are all God’s children. We need to help our brothers and sisters who struggle in difficult seasons. Mobile Ministry has become a part of my monthly schedule and I will never turn back. I left Mobile Ministry realizing this act of service wasn’t for me and my confidence, it was for those who struggle to get by and those who don’t know the Lord. It was to sit in compassion and understanding with them, letting them know that life is so much better with Him by your side.